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nutriment eye cream

HK$820 / 14g

custom-blended eye cream for reducing wrinkles - mtm labo

custom-blended nutriment eye cream is known for its effects in nourishing, reducing fine lines and also promote cell renewal and and prevent allergies.

5款高效的eye cream產品,呵護你的眼周肌膚

eye cream是眼周肌膚的專用護膚品,不同的眼霜產品有不同的功效,細分有改善細紋,淡化黑眼圈,緊緻補水等。不同年齡需配合不同功效的eye cream。那麼,有哪些眼霜產品值得選?來自香港 mtm labo 品牌的高效眼霜,為您呵護眼周肌膚。

5種常見的 eye cream 錯誤用法

1. 眼霜選擇錯誤

不同年齡的人士選的眼霜存在差異,18-24歲的眼霜以滋潤補水為主,主要起到滋養眼周肌膚的作用;而25歲+人士選用的eye cream以抗初老為主,減少細紋,乾紋的產生;在30+以後要以抗皺緊緻為主。

2. 按摩手法錯誤


3. 塗抹位置不對

eye cream應塗抹整個眼周的肌膚,而不僅僅只是在黑眼圈,眼袋的位置。我們面部最早老化的就是眼睛上下眼皮的位置,所以這區域要塗完眼霜,然後沿著整個眼睛做環形按摩。

4. 面霜代替eye cream


5. 白天不用eye cream

eye cream理應早晚都用,白天的眼霜起到滋潤,隔離的功能,尤其適合上班族,白天工作面對電腦,電子輻射和長時間的用眼也會影響眼周肌膚健康,因此白天也要用eye cream。

值得推薦的3款eye cream

eye cream對眼周肌膚異常重要,要滋潤清爽,也要抗皺淡化細紋,黑眼圈的效果。推薦香港 mtm labo 品牌 - 3款功效顯著的eye cream 產品,為脆弱的眼周肌膚帶來專屬的呵護,讓雙眸回復光采。

1. 極致修護眼部精華


2. 立體膠原修護精華眼霜


3. 靈芝養膚滋潤眼霜

各類有機成分的eye cream,主打日本赤芝精粹,人參精粹等,能有效調養眼部幼嫩肌膚,眼眸回復年輕緊緻。珍貴成分有效加速血液循環,活化沉睡的底層細胞,令暗啞的肌膚頃刻甦醒。

選擇eye cream 需要適合自身膚質,且使用方法要正確,堅持使用會有效延長肌膚新鮮度,延緩衰老,雙眼肌膚彷如重生,鎖緊年輕一刻。當然,日常也要注意用眼衛生和用眼習慣,堅持疏通眼部,加速眼周新陳代謝,再搭配高效的 eye cream 產品,可加速淡褪黑眼圈,淡化細紋,緊緻肌膚,再現眼周活力,讓雙眼更明亮。

Recommended reading

什么是eye cream?

答: eye cream是專為眼部周圍的皮膚而設計的護膚產品。它通常含有較高濃度的營養素和較小的分子,滋養和修複眼睛周圍的皮膚更深。

什么時候使用eye cream好?

答:一般來說,eye cream最好在晚上使用,因為它可以在睡眠中更好地吸收和修複眼周皮膚。

eye cream和普通面霜有什么區別?

答:eye cream和普通面霜的成分和配方是不一樣的。眼霜通常更輕薄,更容易吸收,含有更高濃度的營養成分,能更深入地滋養和修複眼周肌膚。

Nourishing, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, promotes cell renewal

It contains natural ingredients such as aloe vera leaf juice, which can deeply moisturize the skin and reduce fine lines. The bisabolol extracted from chamomile has a soothing effect and prevents allergies; in addition, vitamin E has anti-oxidant capacity, and protects skin from ultraviolet rays.


Aloe Vera Leaf Juice
Almond Sweet Oil
Vitamin E

  • Water
  • Caprylic/ Capric Triglyceride
  • C12-20 Acid PEG-8 Ester
  • Butylene Glycol
  • Glycerin
  • Cetyl Alcohol
  • Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil
  • PEG-8
  • Panthenol
  • Phenoxyethanol
  • Potassium Cetyl Phosphate
  • Propylene Glycol
  • Carbomer
  • Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice
  • Caprylyl Glycol
  • Tocopheryl Acetate
  • Sodium Hydroxide
  • Disodium EDTA
  • Bisabolol
  • Sodium Polyacrylate
  • Chlorhexidine Digluconate
  • Tocopherol
  • Ascorbyl Palmitate
  • Citric Acid
  • Sodium Benzoate
  • Potassium Sorbate
  • Ascorbic Acid

Suitable for

Dry, dry to combination and mature skin

How to Use

Gently applying a soybean size amount around the eye area with your ring finger. Best used with mtm labo moisturizer.

Personalize your formulation

Our library of extracts are designed to enhance the efficacy of the product to achieve ideal results for you. You may choose the most suitable extracts to personalize your product from your skin concerns; or, if it is your first time to purchase our products, you are cordially invited to experience our one-on-one consultation at our stores to identify what your skin needs.

Reserve your skin consultation

Extracts selection for product personalization

1/2 Please choose your most concerned skin conditions (choose up to 2)

Extracts selection for product personalization

2/2 Please choose the functions of extract that you want to add to your product (choose up to 2)

Personalize your formulation

Your exclusive extract and its efficacy

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